Christmas 2010 brought several setbacks for Kara. She experienced five lacerations on the cornea of her left eye, multiple dislocations of her right patella, and a dislocation of her left hip. Kara is currently unable to walk, and has been confined to her home. On April 5, 2011 Kara underwent surgery to reset her left hip at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, in Palo Alto, CA. After discharge, Kara will have to wear a body cast for approximately two months.

This is her journey.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What the #&*@ is a spica cast?

This is a "spica" cast. We won't know which type Kara will wear until after surgery.  (We are hoping for bright purple or hot pink!)

Coping with the spica and Kara's recovery will present several challenges:

* Nearly all spica cast wearers are very young children and babies, and they wear them due to corrective surgery for congenital disorders.  A spica cast for a patient Kara's age is extremely rare if not unheard of outside of major trauma, such as a car accident.

* Kara's physicians said they have never seen a displacement like hers.  This is significant, considering they are pediatric orthopedic surgeons at a major, well-respected medical center.

* The spica cast will add a great deal of weight to Kara's approximately 90 pounds.  This weight combined with the awkward positioning will make transporting her around the house very difficult, and impossible for one person alone.

* We have no idea how we are going to get her in a car to bring her home.

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