Christmas 2010 brought several setbacks for Kara. She experienced five lacerations on the cornea of her left eye, multiple dislocations of her right patella, and a dislocation of her left hip. Kara is currently unable to walk, and has been confined to her home. On April 5, 2011 Kara underwent surgery to reset her left hip at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, in Palo Alto, CA. After discharge, Kara will have to wear a body cast for approximately two months.

This is her journey.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kara is very happy.

We are more than pleased with Kara's care in the SNF.  She seems happy all day, every day.  And Kara even annoyed her roommate away so she has her room to herself!  We haven't seen her this happy in months - meaning she was probably in a great deal of pain since her hip dislocated in December.  Hopefully Kara will only continue to improve.

We have never had the same skin tone! (This was probably when Kara was two and I was five or six.)

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