Christmas 2010 brought several setbacks for Kara. She experienced five lacerations on the cornea of her left eye, multiple dislocations of her right patella, and a dislocation of her left hip. Kara is currently unable to walk, and has been confined to her home. On April 5, 2011 Kara underwent surgery to reset her left hip at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, in Palo Alto, CA. After discharge, Kara will have to wear a body cast for approximately two months.

This is her journey.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

She's driving me crazy.

Kara has been continuously screaming for the 2nd night in a row.  She's on an intense pain/anxiety regimen right now, so I don't see how she could be that uncomfortable.  The worst part is that Kara keeps trying to sit up, of course to no avail because of her cast.  She has been struggling for the past 8 hours.  She leans and pulls and does everything she can to sit up.  Whenever anyone comes near her bed, she asks them for help to sit.  It's so painful to watch her try with all her might and to hear her yelps of frustration.  Sadly, I don't think her brain is capable of understanding that she just won't be able to sit for the next 2 months.

Note: Sitting is essentially Kara's favorite position; she has even been sleeping while sitting up for years. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry she is so miserable! I wish there was some way of letting her know we are thinking of her and missing her very much. It must be exhausting for you, Amy. When she was at school the only way would get her to lay flat (cause she certainly didn't want to) was to sit by her head, one arm around her head and let her fuss with our other hand. Playing "her music" the whole time. Trying to get her a good nights sleep must be nearly impossible. You are undoubtedly right, she doesn't understand she just can't sit up. I hope the great staff there can find some way of getting her some rest and determining what is wrong. We will continue to watch for your posts. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you. (All of us in room 7)
