Christmas 2010 brought several setbacks for Kara. She experienced five lacerations on the cornea of her left eye, multiple dislocations of her right patella, and a dislocation of her left hip. Kara is currently unable to walk, and has been confined to her home. On April 5, 2011 Kara underwent surgery to reset her left hip at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, in Palo Alto, CA. After discharge, Kara will have to wear a body cast for approximately two months.

This is her journey.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Peace out, Ortho

Kara's recovery isn't going as swiftly and smoothly as we would have hoped so she is being switched from Orthopedic service to General Pediatrics.  This will allow physicians to really focus on her complications.

Kara's urinary output is still very low and her legs are tight and swollen.  Even with the catheter, she's not really improving.  She has blood tests and urinalysis every 6 hours to check her levels.  Kara is taking meds because some of her blood chemistry isn't the best and may need albumin to prevent fluid from collecting in her lungs.  If things don't improve, Kara may need diuresis.  She isn't eating normally, so it can be a struggle to get her to take her oral medications.  Kara worked with a respiratory therapist and received epinephrine and pulmicort, and now she can "talk" comfortably.  

Fortunately, Kara has had excellent and attentive nursing care.  If she steadily improves, she could be discharged by the end of the weekend...not that we know how to physically get her home. 

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